Imagine an invisible force field surrounding your whole body.
A body shield that cannot be penetrated by pettiness, bullshit, frivolity, or evil. You are protected by this energy shield.
The yuck cannot get in, which means you do not have to ruminate, think about it, or be ruled by it.
You can, however, repel the yuck and send positive light out in response to it.
And then you keep shining brightly as you continue through the day.
For 16 years, I have been the creator and full-time blogger of my parenting site, Mom Spark. I’ve also created content for numerous outlets such as Good Housekeeping, Better Homes & Gardens, and Huffington Post. I'm also a Certified Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Practitioner, in which I help develop emotional intelligence for others who can apply it in their personal and professional lives. My 40 Life follows my personal post-divorce 40s life journey, self-care tips, inspiration, poetry, style, and more.
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